A little bit of history
Bioresonance therapy was invented by German scientists: Dr. Franz Morell and engineer Erich Rasche. The origins go back to the time of Dr. Albert Abrams (1863-1924), who during his extensive research made the significant discovery that diseases can be measured and described in terms of electrical changes. The basic working principle was to be ERA (Electronic Abrams Reactions). According to the ERA, an imbalance of electrons in cellular atoms is the cause of all disease. He discovered that a healthy person vibrates at a certain frequency, just as a sick person exhibits altered vibrations, which means a disorder or disease in the body. Dr. Abrams also discovered that his devices could harmonize the pathologically altered energy frequencies in his patients at a distance. This is how Radionics as a healing art was born. In 1920 Raymond Rife discovered that pathogens vibrate at different frequencies and by modifying the frequency transmitted these pathogens could be eliminated. Frequency application therapies in quantum medicine were modified by Dr. Bruce Copen (1923-1998), founder of electronic homeopathy. He was scientist, doctor of philosophy, and author of 60 books on nature therapy, homeopathy, psychology and metaphysics.