In every culture and in every medical
tradition before ours, healing was
done by moving energy in the body.

Albert Szent-Györgyi

In every culture and in every medical
tradition before ours, healing was
done by moving energy in the body.

Albert Szent-Györgyi

Bioresonance Therapy

A little bit of history

Bioresonance therapy was invented by German scientists: Dr. Franz Morell and engineer Erich Rasche. The origins go back to the time of Dr. Albert Abrams (1863-1924), who during his extensive research made the significant discovery that diseases can be measured and described in terms of electrical changes. The basic working principle was to be ERA (Electronic Abrams Reactions). According to the ERA, an imbalance of electrons in cellular atoms is the cause of all disease. He discovered that a healthy person vibrates at a certain frequency, just as a sick person exhibits altered vibrations, which means a disorder or disease in the body. Dr. Abrams also discovered that his devices could harmonize the pathologically altered energy frequencies in his patients at a distance. This is how Radionics as a healing art was born. In 1920 Raymond Rife discovered that pathogens vibrate at different frequencies and by modifying the frequency transmitted these pathogens could be eliminated. Frequency application therapies in quantum medicine were modified by Dr. Bruce Copen (1923-1998), founder of electronic homeopathy. He was scientist, doctor of philosophy, and author of 60 books on nature therapy, homeopathy, psychology and metaphysics.

How it works

Every organ in our body has its own unique frequency. Bioresonance is the process of using frequencies to harmonize our physical, emotional and energetic bodies. For example: the lungs resonate at a frequency of 72 Hz (cycles per second). If the person is feeling unwell, their frequency will drop a few hertz. Thanks to many years of research, it has been discovered that by providing optimal frequencies through a frequency generator, the organ will tune in to that frequency and start the healing process.

According to well-known authorities in molecular biology, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Dr. Bruce Lipton, there is an Information (Morphogenetic) Field that holds the blueprint of each organism, which is perfect, complete and optimal. Our physical body is constantly trying to “tune in” to this ideal matrix through numerous regulatory processes.

Depending on the needs, we can help in regaining homeostasis in the case of:


In addition, we can help in the well-being of our little ones, i.e. domestic animals: dogs, cats, birds and even horses!

Personal Development/Coaching

Support in personal development and business consultancy.

Energy disturbances in the chakras and aura field

There are 7 main chakras and each one is associated with a different organ in a human body. For example, blockades in the energy flow in the third chakra (solar plexus) may cause disorders with the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, kidneys or intestines.

According to the old principles of Far Eastern medicine, our lives are governed by energy. Our vitality, health and well-being depend on its resources. The word chakra means a spinning wheel. Chakras are transmitters of prana, or life energy. In different cultures life energy it is named: Chi in Chinese, Mana in Polynesian, Qi in Japanese, or Prana in Hinduism. It is important to point out that all these names come from cultures much older than Western one and the knowledge they had about herbs, meridians and energy flows in the body is much more in-depth than today’s conventional medicine. In ancient China, the doctor was paid as long as the patient was healthy. Once the disease appeared, the payments would stop until the patient regained health. It was in the best interest of the doctor to keep as many patients healthy as possible. Different motivation, and different assumptions. Man has always been perceived as a whole not only in the sphere of organs but also in emotions, thoughts, energy and spirituality.

Remote sessions

We also offer remote visits and the person does not have to be present during the session. Through ELF (very low frequencies) we can reach you from a distance. This process is called Energetic Distance Healing and the principle of operation is similar to that of a cell phone. Your frequencies are unique just like your phone number. According to the principles of Quantum Physics, everything is interconnected and part of one whole. Thanks to the use of a Tesla coil in our device, we can send scalar waves wirelessly, without losing energy.

Your Investment

$100 - 1st visit

Includes 4 additional remote energy boosts.

$50 - 20 minutes session in person (same scan)

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